Imperial College London
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
in Kresge 1515
Talk – Discussion – Q/A – Reception
Diverse science teams do better research that is more highly cited, more impactful, more reflective of the societies it serves. However, the representation of women scientists in America – and around the world – is still extraordinarily low. Dr. Wade will talk about the importance of the awareness of the universality of (historic and present) scientific contributions for global human development. Dr. Wade has written more than 2100 biographical entries in Wikipedia on women scientists to highlight their contributions to science and raise the profile of minorities in STEM. She will discuss her efforts to increase visibility of scientists from historically marginalized groups through her biographical entries on Wikipedia.
The event is for faculty and students alike and will include Dr. Jessica Wade’s talk, a short interactive segment on using Wikipedia, a presentation of suggestions on how to work with Wikipedia biographies in the language classroom, and a reception.
Poster Announcement: Jessica-Wade-Talk-May-2024.